If your child was born in Indonesia, you will need to register him or her at the immigration office. Registration must be completed within 60 days of his birth.

STEP 1. Obtain an Indonesian birth certificate from the local registry office (Catatan Sipil).

It is required when registering a child with the immigration service if you do not have a translated and certified birth certificate for the child. To obtain an Indonesian birth certificate for a child, you need to visit the Catatan Sipil authority.

Required documents to obtain an Indonesian certificate:

  • certificate from the hospital application form in Indonesian (filled out on site)
  • copies of both parents’ passports
  • copy of the marriage certificate (if you are officially married and indicated this item in the application form).

Our agency helps you obtain an Indonesian birth certificate without your presence. Contact us for advice.

STEP 2. Obtaining a passport for the child. Issued at the consulate of your country.

You need to contact the consular department and clarify what documents you need to bring and how long the registration process takes. If you are officially registered as married, then either parent can go to the consulate. If you are in a civil marriage, then documents for the child are submitted by the mother, and the presence of the child is also not necessary. In this case, the child’s surname will be indicated by the mother’s.

STEP 3. Registration at immigration. Immigration report.

If you stay in Indonesia more than 60 days after the birth of the child, it must be linked to the mother’s visa. After needs to apply for your baby own visa. If the parents have Kitas, the child does not get an extension, baby need apply Kitas.

Please note:

You must register your child within 60 days of birth. If you do not meet the 60 days, the subsequent days will be considered overstay. For each day of overstay will be charged is 1.000.000 IDR

Cost of our services:

  • Indonesian Birth Certificate: 2.000.000 IDR
  • Registration at Immigration: 1.000.000 IDR
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